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Keep Kids E-Cigarette Free – Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Family Medicine Cares: JUUL® and Other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Devices are Bad for Kids

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School nurses know e-cigarette use is surging among middle and high school students

Adolescents may start using e-cigarettes because they believe they are harmless. Nicotine, a key ingredient in tobacco products, is an addictive drug. Tobacco use by and around children and adolescents is a particular concern due to increased risk for addiction and passive exposure. Smoking is a known cause of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Young people who use e-cigarettes, such as the popular JUUL brand, are more likely to transition to combustible cigarettes.

From the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Public health consequences of e-cigarettes. Consensus study report